湖南省长沙市中南大学新校区毓秀楼3楼 CopyRight 2001-2019 中南大学就业指导中心
Sapientia technologies limited is a data-driven technology firm. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, our scientists, engineers and investment professionals run through terabytes of data every day to continuously deliver investment and trading decisions.
Our partners have worked at the world's topmost quantitative hedge funds and proprietary trading departments of investment banks. They have attained impressive results across major stock, futures, and FX markets. Coming from diversified academic and cultural backgrounds, Sapientia’s team share the common quality of being highly motivated, meticulous in details, and well trained in systematic thinking.
Our team members graduated from Ivy League and global top ranked universities (Caltech, UC Berkeley, UCL, HKU, HKUST) and has worked for industry leading companies with different specializations, including database engineers, robot engineers, and 5G communication experts etc. Despite being a young company, we have achieved many milestones in winning various industry competitions as well as being widely recognized by professional institutions locally and internationally.