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深圳市华阳国际工程设计股份有限公司 工商查询

  • 所在城市:广东省 - 深圳市
  • 所属行业:建筑业
  • 单位性质:民营企业
  • 单位规模:未知
  • 单位地址:深圳市
  • 邮编:
  • 联系人:袁慧
  • 联系电话:0731-88646538
华阳国际设计集团总部位于深圳,已形成由深圳、上海、广州、长沙、东莞等建筑设计区域公司、造价咨询公司、建筑产业化公司、BIM技术应用研究院、华泰盛建设公司、东莞建筑科技产业园公司、东莞润阳联合智造公司组成的覆盖建筑工程全产业链的集团公司,现有员工约3000人。 Since launching in 3000 in Shenzhen, CAPOL has grown into a group of companies that comprise a full industry chain of constructional engineering firms. Along with headquarters in Shenzhen and five branches in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Changsha, and Dongguan, CAPOL also owns companies of cost consulting, building industrialization, BIM technology research, construction, prefabricated part manufacturing, architectural technology industrial park, etc. 华阳国际顺应行业发展趋势,已全面展开全过程工程咨询及工程总承包业务。从设计、造价咨询、产业化和BIM技术研究、生产制造,到施工建设,华阳国际已率先建立起覆盖全产业链的管理和EPC总承包能力,并于2017年5月获评为首批国家全过程工程咨询试点单位。 Complying with industry development trends, CAPOL has started whole-process engineering consultancies and general project contractor services and has pioneered management that covers the entire industry chain and developed EPC general contracting capacity. In May 2017, it received one of the first National Pilot Units for Whole Process Engineering Consultation. 如今,华阳国际已成为建筑行业为数不多的完成全产业链布局的企业,目标是以设计和研发为龙头,以产业化和BIM为核心技术,通过全产业链布局,打造全球领先的新型设计科技企业。 Now CAPOL has become one of the few companies featuring design, research and developing, and centralizing industrialization and BIM. Through whole industry chain layout, it creates a globally leading new-type design technology enterprise. 致力于为城市、为客户创造更多价值同时,我们不断获得行业和市场的肯定—— CAPOL is devoted to creating value for cities and clients and has earned trust in the industry—— 国家高新技术企业 National High-Tech Enterprise 国家住宅产业化基地 National Housing Industrialization Base 国家装配式建筑产业基地 National Prefabricated Building Industrialization Base 国家全过程工程咨询试点单位 National Pilot Units for Whole Process Engineering Consultation 深圳市住宅产业化示范基地 Shenzhen Housing Industrialization Demonstration Base 深圳市BIM 工程实验室 Shenzhen BIM Engineering Laboratory 中国建筑学会科普教育基地 Education Base of Architectural Society of China 使命 Mission 始终如一地专注建筑领域,为社会提供高质量高品质高品味的建筑作品 To constantly focus on architecture industry, To provide high-quality, high-level and high-value works of architecture. 愿景 Vision 成为促进行业进步的一流设计科技企业 To become a top construction technology enterprise promoting industry development. 价值观 Value 人人平等,彼此尊重,坦诚沟通,团队合作 通过可持续发展,共享华阳国际的财富、知识、荣誉和成就 Equality, Respect, Communication, Teamwork. Sharing CAPOL’s wealth, honor, and achievements via sustainable development.