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广东钮铂尔科技有限公司 工商查询

  • 所在城市:广东省 - 东莞市
  • 所属行业:制造业
  • 单位性质:其他企业
  • 单位规模:500-1000人
  • 单位地址:广东省东莞市大朗镇宝坡街富民南三路30号
  • 邮编:523770
  • 联系人:何海玫
  • 联系电话:0769-85628130-803

New Power是一家智能制造自动化系统公司,专为客户提供一站式智能化系统解决方案。

New Power 于1999年在广东东莞成立,主要为SMT行业公司提供周边设备,半自动化设备。2005年,在江苏昆山设立公司,把总部迁到了昆山,并把业务领域扩展到汽车、医疗、消费电子、通信等,为客户提供一站式的自动化解决方案。

2015年公司自主研发的标准平台机器,能稳定应用于贴标,点胶,点对点焊接,取放以及视觉检测程序中。2016年公司机器取得CE认证,使得我们将机器广泛销售至海外。目前我们已经成功进军了欧洲,北美,南美以及东南亚市场。2017年,在马来西亚槟城成立分公司,以便为海外客户提供更优质快速的服务。2018年,NEW POWER东莞公司和NEW POWER昆山公司扩建成功,并正式将总部确定于东莞,更名为:广东钮铂尔科技有限公司,制定了更长远全面的行业发展规划。


Company Introduction

New Power is a smart machine manufacturer who specialized in providing One-Stop solution for customers with standard & customized automated machine.

New Power was founded in 1999 at Dongguan, China, started with precision jigs and fixtures design and fabrication. In 2005, the company has added new footprint in Kunshan, China. The same year, New Power has also expanded its business scope by providing one stop automated solutions for customers in different sectors such as automotive, medical, consumer and telecommunication.

VENUS, a self-owned design standard platform, has proven its excellent performance in different applications such as label applicator, glue dispensing, point-to-point soldering, pick-and-place and vision inspection.

The CE certification in 2016 has enabled New Power to ship our machines to overseas. At present, we have successfully shipped our machines to Europe, North American, South American and South-East Asia. In 2017, another footprint was added in Penang, Malaysia with the objective to better serve oversea customers.

In 2018, we expended footprint both in Kunshan site and Dongguan site, set our headquarter in Dongguan and changed our headquarter name to Guangdong New Power Technology Co., Ltd for long-term comprehensive industrial development plan.


We committed to “Making Solutions Smarter” with the vision to help our business partners to attain “Best In Class” Industry 4.0 company by providing full range of intelligent solutions to transform traditional manufacturing into smart manufacturing.