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Waste management expert
2024年07月14日08:15   浏览:928次  



Duties and Responsibilities

A. Background: (1) Organisation setting: The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. The overall objective of the UNEP’s Industry and Economy Division is to encourage decision makers in government, local authorities and industry to develop and adopt policies, strategies and practices and technologies that promote sustainable patterns of consumption and production, make efficient use of natural resources, ensure safe management of chemicals and contribute to making trade and environment policies mutually supportive. It promotes the development, use and transfer of policies, technologies, economic instruments, managerial practices and other tools that assist in environmentally sound decision making and the building of corresponding activities. As part of the Industry and Economy Division, UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC) works with developing countries to implement sustainable solutions to environmental challenges, with focus on holistic waste management. UNEP-IETC provides technical and advisory support to national and local governments to enhance their use of environmentally sound strategies and approaches. UNEP-IETC also implements in-country demonstration projects using innovative waste prevention and management methods and technologies to improve human well-being, reduce the impact of climate change, increase resilience and create jobs. Working with a wide range of partners and in line with relevant multilateral environmental agreements, UNEP-IETC mission is to serve as a global centre of excellence on environmentally sound technologies with focus on holistic waste management. (2) Purpose: The UNEP International Environmental Technology Center (UNEP-IETC), in coordination with the UNEP Latin America and the Caribbean Office (LACO), and in collaboration with international, regional and national partners, provides technical and advisory support to national and local governments to enhance their use of their use of environmentally sound strategies and approaches in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean. The Government of Argentina, through the UNEP Latin America and the Caribbean Office (LACO), has expressed the interest in obtaining technical assistance to review and update the National Strategy for the Integrated Urban Solid Waste Management (National Strategy). There is a need to reinforce the waste management agenda in the country and provide updated information in support of decision-making towards a circular economy. In order to respond to this request, UNEP-IETC requires the recruitment of a waste management expert, with the suitable national and local knowledge, to support the process of reviewing and update the national waste management strategy, in coordination with the corresponding national authorities. This initiative will be implemented as part of the UNEP Programme Coordination Project Towards Zero Waste, contributing to the implementation of the UNEP Project “Integrated Solid Waste Management towards Zero Waste”. This action will also contribute to the implementation of UNEA-6 Resolution on Sound management of chemical and waste (UNEP/EA.6/Res.9). B. Duties: (1) Objective: The general objective of this consultancy is to support the analysis and update of the National Strategy for the Integrated Urban Solid Waste Management of Argentina. (2) Output expectations: Output No. 1: Scoping paper outlining main information available to be evaluated and an annotated table of contents for the National Strategy revision, including a workable timeline and information about key stakeholders and planned interviews and consultations. Output No. 2: Baseline situation of waste generation and management in Argentina at national and sub-national level, and gap analysis in comparison to the former national strategy, conclusions and recommendations. Output No. 3: Revised National Strategy for UNEP’s review, including a summary of findings identified in previous stage, proposed management model and scenarios, financial mechanisms, stakeholder engagement, institutional arrangements, and reporting, among others. Output No. 4: Description of the validation process, including the proposed methodology and the report with the result of the multi-stakeholder participatory meeting(s). Output No. 5: Final version of the revised National Strategy and the Roadmap for its implementation, for UNEP’s final review. (3) Performance indicators: - The update of the National Strategy is considered satisfactory by UNEP, and - No. of stakeholders engaged during the participatory and validation process. C. Specific tasks and responsibilities: Under the overall coordination and technical guidance of UNEP, and in close coordination with the corresponding national authority, the consultant will be responsible for: 1. Mapping of required information and outline of the national strategy. ? Design a suitable methodology and workplan for the project implementation. ? Identify available information and key stakeholders to be engaged. ? Prepare a draft annotated outline of the national strategy. 2. Baseline situation and review of current national strategy. ? Information gathering, review of plans, provincial strategies, and development of interviews with the stakeholders related with the updating of the National Strategy, oriented to know details of the current situation, and the implementation of the Strategy that cannot be identified through a documentary review. ? Describe the current status of waste management in Argentina (generation, composition, informal workers, gender aspects, technologies, main challenges and bottlenecks, needs of the local governments, legal framework and governance, methane mitigation, etc.), based on available information, in order to evaluate the validity and implementation of the 2005 National Strategy and identify opportunities for enhancement/adjustment. ? Conduct a review of the National Strategy to identify progress in its implementation and the need to incorporate new components, according to the current waste management situation, particularly in terms of its effectiveness, and based on a gap analysis. ? Review of the main components of the 2005 National Strategy, in order to identify those aspects that continue being valid these days, and those that require adjustment and/or updating given the current waste management situation. 3. Development of a new national strategy on integrated waste management. ? Develop a new draft version of the National Strategy, adjusted and updated according to Argentina's current waste management situation, in order to accommodate country’s needs and objectives vis-à-vis national, regional and international circumstances. The draft shall include: ? Identification of relevant stakeholders. ? New waste-related technologies (collection, transportation, treatment, disposal), and evaluation of local systems and/or regional arrangements (national and international). ? Estimation of implementation costs and description of financing mechanisms. ? Dedicated chapter/section on organic waste, discussing the issue of food losses and waste in the country and strategies to enhance organic waste management. ? Dedicated chapter/section on circular economy, highlighting “waste reduction” as the most important and underpinning principle to effectively tackle waste-related issues and ensure a functional and sustainable waste management system in the country. ? Description of measurement, reporting and verification mechanisms, including indicators and parameters to evaluate the National Strategy implementation, as well as the roles of stakeholders and associated timeframes. ? Elaboration of a proposal for a national institutional scheme that will allow the coordination of the implementation of the National Strategy throughout the country. In this case, high-level guidelines and general characteristics of the organization and its associated legal requirements will be proposed. ? Discussion about the role of women, informal workers, and minorities and underprivileged groups under the National Strategy, ensuring that gender and social aspects are accordingly considered in the country’s waste management system. 4. Validation of the draft National Strategy. ? Develop a methodology for the validation process and engagement of relevant stakeholders, including national and sub-national authorities, as well as women and informal workers organizations and other minorities and underrepresented groups. ? Facilitate and participate as appropriate in the validation meeting(s), led by the corresponding national authority. ? Prepare a summary report of the participatory and validation process. 5. Develop final National Strategy and implementation roadmap. ? Adjust as appropriate the National Strategy, considering the outcomes of the validation process. ? Develop a Roadmap for the implementation of the new National Strategy, that includes necessary actions in the short-, medium- and long-term, and a mapping of actors and their responsibilities, aiming to ensure the effectiveness of its implementation throughout the country.

Qualifications/special skills

Education: ? Masters or equivalent in the field of Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Biology, Physical Geography, Chemistry, Natural Resource Management, Economics, Business Administration and Accounting, Law or any other related field. ? A first-level university degree in the above-mentioned fields in combination with two additional years of qualifying work experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. Professional Experience: ? At least 7 years of professional experience in the environmental area is required. ? At least 4 years of professional experience in the field of waste management is required, which can include development of waste management and resource management strategies and public policies, waste assessments, waste management infrastructure, capacity building and education, etc. ? Experience in liaising with a variety of stakeholders including regulators, local authorities, private sector, informal sector, civil society is desirable. ? Working experience in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean, particularly in Argentina, is highly desirable, notably in relation to waste related public policies and waste management schemes. ? Working experience with the UN or international organizations would be an asset.


? For the post fluency in Spanish is required. ? Working knowledge of English is required.
